TC Helicon Power Plug 12
SKU: TE-H0103
1,550 ฿
Universal Power Supply for TC Helicon Products
Product Features
Product Features
- 12 V / 1 A power supply works perfectly for most TC Helicon products worldwide*
- Adaptors included for US, UK, EU, Brazil and Japan for convenient travel
- Single universal unit can power any of your TC Helicon product models
- Attach to regular 3rd-party travel adaptors to use in additional jurisdictions
- Designed and engineered in Canada

If you want to take charge of your TC Helicon equipment, the POWERPLUG 12 is the way to go. Simply put it’s: 12 Volts / 1000 mA. If that sounds like 19th century European physics to you, it’s probably because it is. Luckily, you don’t have to search through dusty library books to get to the bottom of A, V, O and watt not – all you need to know is that the POWERPLUG 12 works like a charm with all TC Helicon products.